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Overcoming Stage Fright: 7 Practical Strategies for Confident Public Speaking


Public speaking is a valuable skill that can open doors to countless opportunities. However, for many individuals, the fear of standing in front of an audience can be paralyzing. This fear, commonly known as stage fright, can hinder your ability to deliver your message effectively. In this blog post, we will explore seven practical strategies to help you overcome stage fright and become a more confident public speaker.

  1. Understand the Source of Your Fear:

To conquer stage fright, it's crucial to identify its root causes. Is it the fear of judgment, forgetting your lines, or being the center of attention? Recognizing the source of your anxiety empowers you to address it directly.

  1. Preparation is Key:

Thorough preparation is your greatest ally against stage fright. Rehearse your speech multiple times, familiarize yourself with the content, and create cue cards or bullet points to guide you. The more confident you are in your material, the less room there is for fear to take hold.

  1. ...
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The Art of Speaking: Why it Matters for Entrepreneurs


As entrepreneurs, we are often required to communicate our ideas and sell our products or services to potential customers, investors, and partners. The ability to effectively communicate our vision is crucial for success, and this starts with speaking. Whether it's in front of a large audience or in one-on-one meetings, the way we present ourselves verbally has a significant impact on how we are perceived.

Good speaking skills can help entrepreneurs to build trust and credibility with their target audience, making it easier to achieve their goals. Effective communication skills also help entrepreneurs to convey their ideas in a clear, concise, and memorable way, which is essential for capturing the attention of potential investors and customers. In today's fast-paced and competitive business world, entrepreneurs need to be able to articulate their ideas quickly and effectively to stay ahead of the curve.

However, despite the importance of speaking skills, many entrepreneurs struggle...

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Becoming a Paid Professional Speaker

How does one get paid to speak:

There are several ways to get paid for public speaking:

Speak at conferences and events: Many organizations and businesses host conferences and events that pay speakers to give presentations or lead workshops. You can find these opportunities by searching online for upcoming events in your field, or by contacting event planners directly.

Keynote speaking: Many organizations and businesses also pay keynote speakers to give speeches at their events. Keynote speakers are often thought leaders or experts in their field.

Professional speaking agency: Some speakers use professional speaking agencies to help them find paid speaking opportunities. These agencies represent a number of speakers and help match them with organizations and events that are looking for speakers.

Own speaking engagements: You can create your own speaking engagements by reaching out to organizations and businesses, and offering to speak at their events.

Online speaking: With the...

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What's Love Got To Do With It? (money, that is…)


Today I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 7 of the Virtual Blog Tour of author Morgana Rae whose book Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation launches on Amazon on Monday January 23, 2023.


MORGANA RAE is the international #1 best-selling author of “Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation.” She is regarded to be the world’s #1 authority on transforming relationship with money. She has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, all the major television networks, Coast to Coast Radio, and she was a recurring Money Maven on Fox TV.  Morgana’s fans call her “the Money Goddess” because of the many documented examples of clients making unexpected income of 4, 5, 6, and even 7 figures within hours of changing their relationship with money. A pioneer in personal development for close to 30 years, Morgana writes, speaks, and coaches from a desire to empower idealistic...

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What are your Core Values?

One of the first things we do in coaching with clients is to identify their core values. When you know what your core values are, they can help you to stay grounded in who you are and what you believe in, especially when challenges come up. When you get your team’s values to align with the leaders as well as the organization, that is when you have created a successful culture.

As management guru Peter Drucker famously stated, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” No matter how effective your strategy is, it cannot outperform a weak company culture — and the heart of your organization’s culture is its core values. There must be a dedicated process to developing and periodically refreshing your organization’s core values with the input of its members.

Where do Core Values come from?

We are not born with values, so how do people develop their values? There are three periods during which values are developed as we grow.

Periods of development


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Your Order To The Universe


How to place your order with the universe.

Pizza Hut = the universe

Your order = dreams and goals

When you place your order, you have to decide what you want before Pizza Hut can start making it. So first decide what you want. Be exact.

Once you have placed your order, you have to give Pizza Hut the required time needed to make it and deliver it. You don't know how long it will take but it's worth the wait because it's what you crave. Don't settle for something less just because it was delivered faster. It's not worth it because it will not satisfy your craving. It takes time to get it right. Be patient. It's worth the wait.

Also, once the order is placed, you expect that Pizza Hut will deliver it as soon as they can. You don't hope and wish that they will, you know they will because you placed an order. It's a done deal. It's already going to happen, guaranteed. Believe it because it's happening.

The whole time you are waiting for your pizza, that's all you are thinking about and...

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Your Money Blocks Are Killing Your Speaking Business


Are your money blocks killing your speaking career


As a business coach for speakers for more than a decade, I have always said “if you're not closing 30% of the room or more when speaking it's usually one of four things, you're in the wrong room, your offer doesn't solve the problem for your ideal client, something is off in your delivery or presentation skills.” All of those are skills I teach but the one that might be killing your business is your money mindset. Today I will share the three most important blocks that could be getting in the way of you selling more from the stage, without being salesy.

As a Master trainer in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), I discovered a flaw in my own motivation towards being successful in my business. You see I spent years chasing money while creating impact but secretly behind the scenes I was running from the days early in my business when I faced eviction, bankruptcy, and dodging calls from bill collectors. I was...

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Your Montone Voice Is Killing Your Business


People ask me all the time “how do you get the audience to be engaged and purchase from you at the end?”   I have reverse-engineered what I had done from the front of the room and built my coaching program using these exact principles. I recognize that much of what I had studied in my master’s program in therapy, was working in my favor, things like building rapport quickly, being aware of your non-verbal communication, and tonality, so that you appeared open, safe, and could lead them out of their pain.   

Non-Verbal Communication

The first 90 seconds of being on stage are the most crucial,  the audience is staring at you, looking for a place where you are not confident, dishonest, or not credible,  this is a natural thing when humans are choosing to listen to someone,  they want to know they are with someone who is the expert that they are claiming to be.   When you enter the room or are heading towards the...

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From Losing it All to Having it All


It was a month before my largest event I had planned for 300 people. This would be my biggest event ever, see I moved it from Seattle to California, because everyone said, if you move it down there more people will come. I had asked my husband to quit his job so that I could spend a whole month traveling through California on a speaking tour in order to enroll these 300 people to come to the Transformational speaker summit in Palm Springs California October 2019. I ended up only selling 200 tickets, and had to tell the speakers ahead of time, which was terrifying. I felt like I Let them down, and they would want their money back.

My flight was canceled the day before the event so I had to arrive four hours before the big event. As I walked into the room imagining my event planner having everything set up and ready to go I was Shocked to arrive and find her scrolling on her phone in the back of the room with nothing but chairs set up. I trusted her explicitly, I mean she checked all...

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